FBS held charity celebration for kids from Indonesia!

FBS held charity celebration for kids from Indonesia!

Dear traders!

This year, Christmas holidays are better than ever – it is time of celebration with FBS! On New Year’s Eve, the company held a charity campaign to bring joy to children in Indonesia.

December 21, 2015 was the day when a charity celebration by FBS was organized in the Maranatha Putera orphanage in Bandung. FBS invited Santa Clause there and gave presents to kids that brought magic and happiness to everywhere. Then a festive charity dinner for the orphans was held.

FBS is happy to have given this wonderful celebration for the orphaned children that have no opportunity to spend the Christmas season with their families. And we would like to make such events a tradition for the years to come.

Thank you, dear clients! Thanks to your trust, we have managed to make so many good deeds in 2015 and to stand by the company’s motto during all these years – FBS is always by your side! Any time and under any circumstances!

Be successful with FBS!

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