A medida que se acerca el mes de Abril, los inversores buscan buenas oportunidades en el mercado de valores. Hay dos industrias en auge que lucen positivas para el próximo período; la de vehículos eléctricos (EV) y las acciones bancarias.
2024-05-30 • Actualizada
After a pretty rough September, the stock market is showing vitals. At least, it might seem so. S&P 500 (US 500) has recovered 3.8% from the local low, HK 50 (Hang Seng) is 7% higher, and Nikkei 225 (JP 225) has gained 6.6%. But the incoming earnings season will not only add volatility to the comparably calm market but also can become the reason for stocks to completely change their direction.
This article is about future earnings reports and what can we do with them. We will go through several weeks, each one has enough companies for you not to get bored. The journey has begun!
All times are given in GMT+3 time zone. All “%” are expected growth (or decrease) in revenues.
As you can see, this is a week for the banks. There is a lot to say about them, so we’ve made a comprehensive article, from which you can gather tons of useful information. Check it out as well!
Unlike the first week, this period offers more variety—IBM, Netflix, Tesla, AT&T, American Express are among the companies reporting.
Wall Street will get an early read on one of the most important market sectors: Technology. This sector accounts for more than 25% of the weight in the S&P 500, and companies in this sector are expected to report earnings growth of 28.5%. Watch out for US 100 moves!
The third week of earnings season will be the busiest, with nearly 40% of the S&P 500 members scheduled to report results. As with week two, investors will hear from a wide swath of companies including big tech players like Facebook and Google parent Alphabet.
As you can see, the list is massive. Such an enormous number of earning reports will make the broad index, such as the US 500, move. And, concerning weak September and October, and mostly positive expectations, we should consider the market will be for the bulls.
The final wave of the earnings season happens in the fourth week. There are not many companies in it, and this week of earnings is heavier on companies in the healthcare, real estate, industrials, materials, and utility sectors.
Some of the companies will be able to weigh in on the potential benefit from the long-awaited infrastructure package that’s still working its way through Congress.
Whether you’re a new or experienced investor, earnings season is always an interesting time to learn more about specific companies—and broader industry trends.
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A medida que se acerca el mes de Abril, los inversores buscan buenas oportunidades en el mercado de valores. Hay dos industrias en auge que lucen positivas para el próximo período; la de vehículos eléctricos (EV) y las acciones bancarias.
La era del dinero barato por el COVID-19 ha terminado. ¿Quién teme al ciclo de ajuste de la Fed? Aparentemente, no los inversionistas del mercado de valores.
No hay nada nuevo en los mercados que presencian fuertes caídas y volatilidad cuando ocurren eventos geopolíticos. La reacción inicial e inmediata a estos eventos suele ser la más dramática.
Escenario bajista: Ventas por debajo de 1.0820 / 1.0841... Escenario alcista: Compras sobre 1.0827...
Escenario bajista: Ventas por debajo de 2200 / 2194... Escenario alcista más próximo: Compras sobre 2197... Escenario alcista tras retroceso: Considera compras en torno a cada zona de demanda...
Escenario bajista: Ventas por debajo de 5220 ... Escenario alcista: Compras sobre 5225 (Si el precio falla en romper por debajo con decisión)
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