
Quants - A-League Traders

Quants – A-League Traders-article-illustrations_001-cover.jpg

If you ever want to grow professionally as a trader, the most privileged club you may dream of joining is that of quantitative trading. Only those who are geeks and financial masterminds at the same time can get a VIP pass to the quant community. The analysts who work in this sphere earn impressive average salaries of $150,000 per year. Can you become one of those geniuses? And are they so smart after all? We are going to find out.


Two Strong Teams in the New World


We celebrated the New Year as usual with hopes and dreams for 2020. Then we all got up one morning to face an unknown reality that we still need to get used to. Self-isolation is now an act of love towards people we care about, and doctors are the new superheroes. The world seems to test our ability for compassion, cooperation, and benevolence. This challenge is our chance to reconsider what matters and unite for a better future.


Self-Quarantine with FBS: Safety, Pleasure, Profit


Self-quarantining? Well done – this is the safest option for the moment. The other step is not to go crazy spending time at home. FBS will help you with that! We have some ideas for traders to keep busy – of course, with entertaining and developing the mind ;) Here is the list of what you can be up to right after reading this article.


Top 3 new books of trading for beginners


“A journey of a thousand miles begins with a single step,” Lao Tzu declared centuries ago. However, when it comes to trading, this first step is quite a challenging and crucial thing. What to start with? Where to go to? Dozens of guide books explaining the basics of trading are published every year, and it’s essential to keep a close eye at the new releases - new tips, tools, and strategies proven with time are added continuously.


How to profit when the market is volatile


It is a fact that the CoViD-19 pandemic created panic all around the world. Many industries and businesses have closed down, and firms are cutting jobs; all these factors are affecting the economy. People are scared and don't know what to do. Let's find the ways to ignore the panic, keep calm, and use your free time in quarantine to make a profit when the market is volatile.


Basics of Forex Trading: Test Yourself


Do you know all the essentials of trading Forex? Are you really that sure? If you don't doubt your knowledge, take a test on the basics. Be careful, it’s not a piece of cake – you can easily make a mistake ;)

If you feel like a student before an examination and go weak at your knees, familiarize yourself with our Forex Guide learn all the needed information about the FX word. Then, prove that you are savvy enough in trading essentials to become a professional market performer.


George Soros – A billionaire Unspoiled By Money


Investor, philanthropist, social activist, writer, the 56th richest person in the world, according to Forbes, and definitely the legend. Yeah, you have a hunch whom we are talking about. All these titles were given to the American financier George Soros, or it's better to say were deserved by this icon for 89 years of his life. You may call him as you prefer, but the crucial thing remains the same – he is a person whom people have discussed through the decades. Especially after that night when he earned a billion. Yeah, guys – one may lose count of zeros while writing this number.

How did Soros manage to do so? What else did he went through and achieved? And why people all over the world and the FX community, in particular, keep admiring this man? Today, we recall the story of the world-famous and probably the most generous trader of all time.


11 Lessons We Learned Over 11 Years


For FBS, February 9 marked 11 years in the brokerage business. As we look back over these years, we recount a lot of lessons learned. So, we’re old enough to share some wisdom that we got while developing a multimillion global venue from zero.  

Each Forex trader is a businessman. See what lessons of ours you can adopt to do better in your career.


Gender Means Nothing


Do you think that the market is an environment no woman can survive in?  When it comes to the finance industry, are you sure that a lady may not be considered a rival or an example? Are you afraid of entering “male” territory or have used your gender as an excuse for not to get started? In all the cases, we highly recommend you reading this article. FBS is sharing the story of women who have the edge over men in trading and prove – gender is not a variable affecting success.


How to Diversify your Investments and Start Living


Diversification is your pain killer pill if it ever comes to losses. Traders with balanced portfolios tend to be more secure about their failures, manage risks better, and avoid dramatic shortages of funds. However, it can only reduce pain, but won’t cure it. Remember, diversification alone does not guarantee that you will never lose again or that you will build a fortune in a year; it works more as a shield, a personal airbag that may soften any stroke of bad luck, save your nerves, and let you feel secure.

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