
Barcelona – Trade & Travel Getaway

One of the determining reasons why thousands of people around the world start trading is flexible working hours. If in the past you were waking up in a funk heading to the office like a robot or were struggling to earn extras at odd jobs, Forex trading can become refreshing since the vacation options are open for you any time, any season. And what is more, you can afford it.



Panic at the market! How to turn fear into money

We will remember January 2020 as an extremely tense and frightening time. It started with missile attacks and ended with coronavirus pandemic, which shocked the markets big time. Let’s see how to ignore the panic and make money when everyone - including investors - are scared like babies in a thunderstorm. 



Know your Trading Platforms


You are here with FBS, which means that you keep up with opportunities for income growth. Good for you – the idea of financial success is already in your head! Now it is time to search for the suitable tools that will help to live it out.


What Bollywood Taught us about Finances


You may love Bollywood movies or feel weird about them, but you never stay indifferent. They are abundant in emotions! For quite a while, the whole industry was considered to be entertaining. Up until now, it is splashing with vivid colors, unexpected plot twists, catchy songs, and epic scenes of rhythmic dances. Well, there is no “but” to follow. Bollywood's primary goal is to make you feel agitated, plunged into a unique world where everything is possible. Villains are punished, and the good guys triumph in the most festive and heroic manner.


7 ways to bury your dreams


Everyone around us always talks about how important it is to dream and let your dreams prosper. But prospering dreams is not all – your dream has to evolve into action to get on the whole other level of this funny thing called reality. Forex is several dreams combined: the independence, the changed lifestyle, the opportunity to live the life you want.


How to Grow Money-Savvy Kids

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- Mum! I want this robot!

- Oops kiddo! Not so easy.

That’s what the kids of the most recent Generation Z (born between 1995-2015) most likely heard while growing. They have lived at least two economic crashes and witnessed how their parents had to deal with them and find creative ways to overcome dark times. The optimistic outcome is that the kids have unprecedental potential in terms of financial literacy. Already now the statistics say that they might become the most hard working employees, effective in their spendings and savings!


Trading Psychology in Action


We bet you want to be safe and protected from the world troubles. You would preferably curl up in a cozy armchair of a family house and have somebody by our side telling:

‘You are doing great! You will succeed. You are strong and capable. The whole universe knows it and is ready to welcome your special self.’


Trading Journal – Ins and Outs


Ok, let’s check a definition of journaling. Do not google it – visualize! I bet you imagine a tween sweetheart girl nibbling the tip of her pen while describing the first crush. Or you see a sensitive youngster bottling up his hormones, putting down thoughts on paper, and then crumpling it up. Well, the connotation is far from adulthood. But is it?


Crisis in Latin American countries. What happened to Argentina in 2019?


The currencies of Latin America, Argentine peso, in particular, have recently been quite unstable, and rapid changes were noticed by many traders who keep an eye on the market. Right now, Argentine peso is going through a rapid fall with severe ups and downs – too rapid even for a currency of high volatility. What could be the reason for such a roller-coaster?

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