Struggling to choose between part-time and full-time trading? Then this article is for you!
Struggling to choose between part-time and full-time trading? Then this article is for you!
Learn to use the Agile principles in your trading to organize your work process better. With Agile, you can adjust your trading strategy and plans to fit the ever-changing market conditions
We celebrated the New Year as usual with hopes and dreams for 2020. Then we all got up one morning to face an unknown reality that we still need to get used to.
Self-quarantining? Well done – this is the safest option for the moment. The other step is not to go crazy spending time at home. FBS will help you with that! We have some ideas for traders to keep busy – of course, with entertaining and developing the mind ;) Here is the list of what you can be up to right after reading this article.
For FBS, February 9 marked 11 years in the brokerage business. As we look back over these years, we recount a lot of lessons learned. So, we’re old enough to share some wisdom that we got while developing a multimillion global venue from zero.
- Mum! I want this robot! - Oops kiddo! Not so easy.
Your future plans can change over the course of time, but the way you plan your future tells a lot about your personality. Take a test and see if your plans will ever bring you a lot of money.
Forex is traditionally associated with many fearful things, but as they say, most people fear what they don't understand. We selected the most widely believed Forex myths and tried to explain why they shouldn't be trusted anymore.
Do you know your taste in movies can tell a lot about your personality?
Forex began as a place where men discussed money things and women weren’t allowed.
What can be better than a chilled movie night on the weekend? Only a traders’ movie night!
Being a part of something special makes you special too, they say. In the case of Forex, it is true for sure. People come here for profit and financial success. But they get much more – they become a part of a serious and impressive community. It’s like being a part of a special club: with its history, remarkable facts, jokes, and statistics. Read about the club you got in – the Forex club!
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Don’t waste your time – keep track of how NFP affects the US dollar and profit!